👀Bitcoin Creator Is Back. Or is He?

GM Readers. Your daily dose of BitDegree insights is here. Time for a Cool Facts Tuesday 👀

Today’s selection:

  • 😳 Did Satoshi Nakamoto Just Wake Up?

  • ⛵Yachts Don’t Go Well With Cold Wallets

  • 📰Bite-Sized News

  • 👌Selected Meme of The Day


Rumors are circulating that Satoshi, the presumed creator of Bitcoin, transferred 1,100,000 BTC to the Binance exchange.

Then, another 9895 BTC went to Kraken.

But… sorry to disappoint you: it's fake.

Possibly, someone is trying to create chaos within the news and media.

There was another coincidence though!!!

After 5 years of silence, a tweet with interesting content appeared on the account with the handle @satoshi. It says that not all the potential of Bitcoin is revealed, and he (Satoshi) has returned to work on it.

If it were the real Satoshi Nakamoto, it would mean that the top 1 holder had returned, meaning that the project would now depend on Nakamoto's actions or statements.

It is generally believed that between January and July 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto mined 1,125,150 Bitcoin!

There has been no news from Bitcoin’s creator for many years, and it is unlikely that they will appear... as sad as it may be.

It turned out to be simple: the Satoshi account, which is actively discussed by the media, is controlled by Craig Wright, who is a "pseudosatoshi."

A planned attempt to manipulate the market? Or something else? We will never know, and there’s not much point, as the effect is minimal!

TL;DR: Rumors began circulating that Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, has returned. Yet it has been proved that these rumors are based on fake news.


Entrepreneur, investor, and author of Bitcoin bestsellers on Amazon, Jason Williams, found himself in a perilous situation when his boat capsized in the ocean.

But, all ended well, Jason was rescued! Yet, it only well only for Jason, not for his assets.

However, tragically, his hardware Bitcoin wallet sank and could not be recovered... Most likely, even if someone finds it, it will not be recoverable.

Whether the cold wallet can be restored through a seed phrase and on a new hardware device is dependent on the provider.

So yes, crypto is such a thing, self-custody is everything, but all risks must be meticulously calculated! And it’s not just about having a combination of 1 hot + 1 cold wallet. Rather, having several of each, kept far apart from one another.

TL;DR: Entrepreneur, investor, and author of Bitcoin bestsellers on Amazon, Jason Williams, lost his cold wallet with crypto in it, when his yacht capsized in the ocean.


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